Saturday, December 31, 2011

Elijah's Testimony

Growing up with the typical “Christian” mindset, it was always easy to do the “right” thing, live a good moral life, and do good works. Sunday school consisted of telling Bible stories and how they could be applicable in our lives. Prayer, devotion to reading the Bible, and going to church were key elements of being a “good” Christian. It seemed as if Christianity was just one big algorithm. As time went on, I lived the same, dull, ritualistic life. I went to school, church, and youth group. Although my life seemed to be full of activity, I felt as if I were wasting my life.

My Christian walk changed when my family did a DTS (Disciple Training School) with an organization called YWAM (Youth with a Mission). We trained for 3 months in Hawaii and spent 2 months in Brazil reaching out to the local community about God. During our training in Hawaii, I learned a lesson I will never forget. I was taught that as creations of God, we have the right and the tools to talk and listen to God’s voice. That’s when my spiritual journey started to improve. I talked to God as if He were right next to me. Because we did the DTS as a family, my family always kept me accountable and prayed with me while listening to God’s voice. I realized that Christianity was not about doing good works but about having an intimate relationship with our personal Lord and Savior.

My family has always been there to support me and remind me of the love God has for me. My Mom and Dad always had the answers when I was in doubt or had a question. Whenever people would attack and question my faith, I would always ask my parents how to respond. However, I knew there would be a time when my parents would not be there to help me defend my faith, so I did a two week training course through Summit Christian Worldview. I learned about different world views and how to defend my faith. They taught me Biblical content that will help me rebuttal a lot of other world views and knowledge on how to approach people who question what I believe.

I realize that each of us has a destiny. God created us uniquely and for a purpose. He gives us passions and abilities that we are to use to make a difference in this world. I am passionate about tennis and teaching, and I hope to use my passion to influence lives. I am not 100% sure what I want to do in life, but I want to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit and exemplify Christ wherever I am. I hope that as Christ is in me, I am able to change my environment so it reflects more of God’s Kingdom.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dear Tennis Coach

Elijah has been looking into several schools. Cornerstone has offered him almost full scholarship (everything but room and board). We do not know if this is where God wants Him to go, but I just wanted to write the coach and make a connection. I really like the fact that this coach is a man of prayer. I sense he could be a good mentor for Elijah. Here are the emails.

Dear Tennis Coach,

I am Elijah's mother, and I just wanted to introduce myself and touch base with you. When Elijah first received an email from you, he was not very excited about Cornerstone because it was a new program. However, when I read your bio on the school website, what caught my eyes was your desire to help players develop their relationship with Jesus. Our desire for Elijah is to go to a school where he can experience a deeper relationship with Jesus, so we encouraged him to continue communicating with you. We have been looking into mostly Christian universities, but as you know, not all Christian Universities and coaches have a focus on Christ these days.

Elijah has been playing tennis for about 4 1/2 years, and he knew he had a late start. His goal was to play college tennis. He has worked really hard during that time to get to where he is today. We are very proud of him for working hard, setting goals, and achieving them. Tennis is important to Elijah, but we also know that that is not the end goal. We, as a family, have experienced many miracles and blessings through tennis during the past 4 1/2 years and know that God has used tennis in Elijah's life to train and mold him. We also know that God will continue to train and mold Elijah through tennis in college as well.

At the beginning of the recruiting process, going to a school with a good team was a priority for Elijah. As he has been visiting different schools, some that are ranked, God is slowly opening his eyes and showing him areas that he hasn’t thought about before, for which we are thankful. His priorities are slowing changing too.
Since we live overseas, my sister has been doing college visits with Elijah and she had a very positive impression of you. She told us you were the first coach to pray for them. Elijah also told me that you are praying for him and your other recruits. We really appreciate your prayers. We really appreciate the fact that you pray. This is really important to us because we know that his coach will have a big influence in his life during college. One of the things that we are praying about is that he would find a coach that would be a spiritual mentor for him.

Elijah really enjoyed his trip to Cornerstone. He thought he wasn't going to enjoy it, but he was pleasantly surprised with the visit. He also really liked the team members, and he also liked you. We are praying and seeking God's heart for Elijah. We appreciate you praying with us. We know that God will indeed lead Elijah to where he needs to be. We are asking God for confirmation and hope that He will show us soon.

Thank you for giving Elijah the opportunity to be part of your recruiting process.

Hi Mrs. Yi-

Thank you so much for your wonderful and encouraging message. It absolutely made my day.

I do pray for my recruits, all of them, quite a bit. It's sort of for me though. I found out early on that it was easy for me to be selfish and look at recruits as simply tennis players that I want to collect and not young people making a decision that will affect the rest of their lives. God very quickly made it known to me that my hopes and prayers need to not be that they would come to Cornerstone, but that they would choose a place that would prepare them to affect the world for Jesus Christ the rest of their lives. If that place is Cornerstone, then that would be terrific, but if it is somewhere else, and they leave that place prepared to change the world for Jesus, then that is absolutely the right decision. In the end, I mostly pray that they would choose to honor God with their decisions, and I believe that when we seek to honor Him with our decisions, He will honor our decisions. So that is what I pray for my recruits, and often.

I enjoyed Elijah's visit tremendously. I think he is a great young man, and I know the guys on the team really enjoyed getting to know him. I would love to have him on our team and as part of our campus family.

I'm glad that you felt free to contact me. Know that I am available at any time for questions, concerns, and of course suggestions for how I can pray for Elijah.

-Tennis Coach

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jacob's House

One of the reasons (actually, probably the biggest reason) we are in Korea is because Richard has had a heart for orphans for about ten years. When he become unemployed and was asking God what we needed to do, an opportunity opened up in Korea, so he came. Then we came three months ago.

Richard volunteered and looked into different orphanages, but he didn't feel led to any of the organizations. Actually, he was very disheartened because many of the orphanages in Seoul have too many volunteers and too much money, and the focus was not on ministering to the children. Actually, at some of the orphanages, there were groups from many different religious organizations all ministering at the same time. He took a break from his search until we arrived in Korea.

He had heard that orphanages outside of Seoul don't get as much support as the orphanages in Seoul. So we decided to find an orphanage outside of Seoul. I pulled a list (about 6 pages) off the internet of orphanages in Gyeonggi Province, which is about one hour from Seoul. There were so many orphanages that I didn't know where to start. After researching a few, I just asked God where I needed to look. At that moment, Steve Morrison of MPAK (Mission to Promote Adoption in Korea) came to mind. I emailed him and he connected me with the international adoptions director at ESSW who directed me to Jacob's House in Pyongtek. We were looking for an orphanage that was around an hour from Seoul and one where the kids were younger than our kids. The children at Jacob's House are all under 40 months. How perfect! I also felt there was some connection because our daughter was adopted from ESSW. I also know that they are a Christian organization.

I called Jacob's House and told them our family would like to volunteer. She asked if I could come during the weekdays because the weekends were all full. I told her my children have school and my husband works so that weekdays were not possible for us. She said there was no possibility of volunteering on the weekends. She then asked how old our children were. She mentioned that they only accept high school students. It would not even be possible for our daughter to volunteer with us. It was looking bad. Then she asked how I found Jacob's House. She wanted to know if we were introduced through an adoption agency. I explained that Sebene was adopted through ESSW, and that I was connected to Jacob's House through ESSW. Then her tone changed. She said, "Oh, you adopted through ESSW. Let me think about this and call you back tonight."

She called back and then said the third Sundays were available for us to volunteer. We could volunteer from 9-12, or 2-5, or we could even volunteer the entire day. We start next month! I am so excited about how God is leading our family. I am overwhelmed at how He has orchestrated every little detail so far. I don't know what this will lead to, but I do know that as long as we follow God, He will show us exactly what we need to do next. This journey of faith is very exciting! God is so very good!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sentence Diagramming

On Tuesday evenings, we have a family bible study. We are studying through the book of Jonah using the Precepts Inductive bible study material. We read each passage several times and ask the 5 W & H questions: Who, What, Where, Why, When and How. The kids are getting pretty good at analyzing the bible passages.

This week we read Jonah 4. We all read individually, marking our bibles. Suddenly, Jeremiah says, "I marked the sentences." Richard didn't know what that meant, so we showed him how to mark the sentences with the parts of speech. I asked Jeremiah to diagram the sentence, but he said there were some things he didn't learn yet. So, Sebene volunteers to diagram the sentence. When I was in school, this would have been a total "nerd" thing to do. But I was so proud of my children that they take their academic studies very seriously. They indeed must be learning.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


We as a family have been adjusting fairly well to our new life in Korea. Jeremiah the other day said he enjoyed his new tennis academy and the people in it. He said things are also very convenient in Korea, and that he could get used to living here. Things were going well. Then just last Friday, I was hit with this massive sadness. I missed home. When I told Richard I was homesick, he said, "All your family is here. How can you be homesick?" So then I started to miss my oldest son, Jinkyu. I started to miss the hot weather in Texas. I missed Chipotle. I missed all the land. I just missed my life back in America. It was a very difficult day. I started to doubt whether we really needed to be here or not. It was really tough.

On Saturday, I was spending time with God asking Him to just comfort me and show me that I was indeed suppose to be here. During my prayer time, Sebene walks in and says, "Mom, I have a word for you. Ephesians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Then she just leaves. I was so lost for words at God's perfect timing in encouraging me. Yes, indeed I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am so thankful that my daughter listens to God.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Homeschool 2011-2012

Yesterday was our first day of homeschool. Because we will be traveling to Korea at the beginning of September, we are starting early. We are on a 1/2 day schedule (3 subjects) and then will go full time once we settle in Korea. I am excited about this year. For one, I will only be homeschooling 2 children rather than 3. I hope it will be easier. I am sure it will be since Jeremiah and Sebene are good at working independently. I am also really excited about our curriculum choices too. This is our curriculum for this year:

Jeremiah (9th grade)
History: My Father's World Ancient History
Literature: My Father's World Ancient History
Geometry: Chalkdust Geometry
Biology: Apologia Biology through Veritas Press. (M/W 10:00-11:30 pm..sorry)
Foreign Language: Korean
P.E.: Tennis
Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Logic: Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox

Sebene (6th grade)
We will be using Exploring Cultures and Countries for geography, social studies, bible and science.
Composition: The Potter's School online Writer's Workshop
Math: Christian Light Education and Lial's Pre-Algebra
Grammar: Christian Light Education
Foreign Language: Korean
Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Logic: Logic Liftoff

I can't wait to see how my children will grow this year!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Sebene returned from Wellspring's "Kingdom Upside Down" camp last week. I knew it was going to be an amazing experience for her. I was excited to see how God had touched my daughter. When I picked her up, she was not very talkative. When I asked what the best part was, she said, "food." It was kind of a letdown for me because she didn't share all the awesome things God had done in her life.

The next day was Saturday, which is our day of family worship. When I called Richard, he was very sick. He couldn't get out of bed. He said he had a fever, chills, and body ache. We ended up having worship without him. At the end of our worship, we prayed for Richard. Each of us went around the room and prayed that God would heal him. Sebene casually prayed, "God please heal daddy." Everyone had a chance to pray. We were waiting to see if there was going to be more prayer, when all of a sudden Sebene, with much boldness and conviction, prays "We command the sickness to leave. Amen!"

We were all a little surprised by her boldness. She is usually very even tempered and doesn't like to stand out in any way, especially when praying. She shared that she had learned that we have the authority to command the sickness to leave. She had faith. She believed it.

I called Richard a few hours later, and he sounded much better. He said, "The fever is completely gone! He was amazed. We were amazed. (Father, forgive us of our unbelief.) I told him about Sebene's prayer and he was amazed again. Sebene indeed was touched by God's spirit.

"And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Dad,

Happy Father’s Day! I am truly blessed to have you as a father who nurtures me spiritually. You are also a great role model who shows me how to live a Godly life. If I were to compare your life with Jesus, the one big difference would be that you are a sinner and He isn’t. You both are very nurturing, loving and caring. What I am trying to say is you are a great father and you are doing a great job. (you have three great children to prove it) I’m so thankful I am part of your family and I am truly blessed to have you as a father. I hope you have a great day , and remember, even though we are not there physically we are there spiritually!


Hey dad!

Happy Father’s Day! I miss you so much! You are the # 1 dad in the world! (not including God) Thanks dad for being awesome. Thanks you for caring for me. You are truly the best! I love you and miss you!

Your daughter,


Dear Dad,

Happy fathers day. I know its been really hard for you to be away from us, but I want you to know that I think of you everyday. Even though you may not hear that from me, please always remember I am always thinking of you. I miss you very much. Even though I really don’t want to go to Korea, I will go just for you... and God. I miss you and love you.

Your Most Favorite Second Son

Monday, June 13, 2011

Five more dollars!

Elijah and Jeremiah are in College Station with Joanne for the Grand Slam. While she is away, Joanne asked Sebene to watch her dog. The deal was $25 for four days and $1 for each extra day. I have been helping Sebene walk the dogs, feed the dogs, and help take them out for potty.

Today, Sebene said, "Mom, I am going to give you $5 for helping me with the dogs. You did a lot. You deserve it." She has such a sweet heart. She is such a beautiful person inside and out! She is such a joy. God knew what He was doing when He added her to our family.

She is also going to treat me to frozen yogurt tonight. I can't wait!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


On Wednesday, during our time of listening to God in our small group, K saw a picture of me receiving many gifts. She felt that God was going to give me gifts--many gifts in fact. She also sensed that it was going to be financial. I was excited! I wondered if that meant that God was going to provide freelance work so that we can have the funds for our move to Korea.

Today at church, K gave me an envelope and said that when she received the prophecy, she saw herself giving me a gift. She gave me an envelope and said she and her husband prayed and are only obeying God. I thanked her and thought, "Oh, that must be the money I need for Elijah's plane ticket to the Worldview Leadership conference." I looked at the check. It was for $6,400. I was shocked! I couldn't even think! Immediately, I felt that I couldn't take it. It was too much. I had never received anything like this before! I felt I had to give it back. Service started so I couldn't do anything.

Throughout the service, I asked God, "Why, Why, Why?" and He responded by saying, "I want you to completely trust me with your finances. I love you and will ALWAYS provide for you." I said, "God you know that K's family is not wealthy. You know they are expecting their fourth child. You know that the husband has pain and has a difficult time working. You know that that they could use this money." I heard God speak to my heart. He said, "I know. I will bless them for their obedience." I cried because I knew they were giving not out of abundance but out of obedience. It's hard to understand God sometimes. Why didn't He speak to someone who had lots of money? He probably did, but they probably weren't listening to Him.

I have issues. Lots of them. One of my biggest issues, is my sin of self-reliance. I have a hard time of letting go and trusting--especially in finances. I started working when I was 12, and I have always worked since then. I know that God provides, but I always feel that God will provide through me working. I have a hard time trusting my heavenly Father for financial provisions because my earthly father really didn't provide for me. It has gotten better, and I have experienced God providing in many different areas. But when it comes to finances, I always feel that God will provide through me working.

The last four years has been a time of pruning for our family. When we moved to Texas in obedience, Richard took at 70% pay cut. We were initially very excited and felt that God was going to do something big and amazing through us. I mean why else would He ask us to take such a big pay cut? It has been an amazing experience, BUT it has been a very different experience than what we had originally thought. It has been very difficult financially. For the first few years, I tried looking for a job. I knew that if I could find a job, I could improve our financial situation. However, it was hard to work full time because I was homeschooling our children, and I knew this is what God wanted us to do. It was very difficult for me to not work and just trust God. However, God has been faithful to provide for all of our needs.

We have had to completely deplete our savings and had to completely readjust our lives. I think this is what it took for God to get my attention--to hit rock bottom financially. This is what it took for me to look to God and not on my savings or in my abilities. This check is the biggest single financial gift that I have ever received. Ever. It is painful for me to receive this gift because I know that K's family gave not out of abundance but out of obedience. I am truly humbled by their obedience and by God's love for me. Yes, God is trustworthy. He is Jehovah Jireh. Now I also know that God is serious about getting us to Korea.

Elijah's Graduation

Elijah graduated last month. He graduated with 19 other homeschool students from THEO. It was probably the best high school graduation ceremony I have attended. It was also very different. Most high school graduations focus on the achievements, the colleges the students will attend, and most often leave out God. The focus of this ceremony was on God and how He will work in each of the graduates' lives.

I am thankful that Elijah was a part of this ceremony. I am thankful that God allowed me to homeschool him for the past six years. I am thankful for the time we had to grow together. I am thankful that I didn't ruin him. He turned out okay. In fact, I think he turned out better than okay. I think he is a pretty amazing kid. I am very proud of him. Really proud.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Jeremiah and Elijah took the SAT today. Elijah was taking it for college admissions, and Jeremiah just took it. My intent in having Jeremiah take the test was so that he will see that it's a difficult test and that he would need to study very hard for it in the next few years.

After the test, I asked Jeremiah how it went. I expected him to say how difficult it was, but instead, he shouted, "It was so much fun! Can I take it again?" SAT, fun? That was a first for me. He didn't even have a scientific calculator with him. All he took was a small solar power calculator. Then I asked him what he learned from the experience, and he answered, "Mom, I think I am ready for college!" Jeremiah is my, "I can do anything" child. We will have to see when the scores come back.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

God is really awesome

God did something totally cool today. Today Justin, Leslie, and I were reading an article about the tornado in Massachusetts. This was the conversation:

Me: There are so many natural disasters these days.

Leslie: Jesus is going to come back.

Justin: He is?!!

Me: Yes, the bible says He will come back, but no one knows when. But we do know that everyone will have a chance to hear the good news of Jesus and get to know Him before He comes back.

Justin: I don’t know Jesus.

Me: Do you want to get to know Him?

Justin: Yes.

Me: God wants to be your friend, but He can’t because there is sin that separates you and God.

Leslie: Sin is the bad things that you do.

Me: Have you ever lied?

Justin: Yes. A LOT!

Me: Have you ever stolen anything?

Justin: Yes, once.

Me: Have you ever gotten angry at your sister or parents?

Justin: Yes, lots of times.

Me: What happens when you do something bad?

Justin: You get punished.

Me: Right. We should be punished for our sins, but God didn’t want to punish us. Instead, He punished His son for the bad things that we did. Jesus died on the cross for all the bad things that we did, and will do. All you have to do is ask God to forgive you and ask Jesus to come into your heart. It’s not easy, but do you think you will want to obey God in your life and have Him help you stop doing bad things?

Justin: Yes, I want to do that.

(I lead Justin in prayer and he asks God to forgive him and invites Jesus into his heart and be his friend.)

Me: You know God wants to talk to you and have a relationship with you. He wants to be your best friend.

Justin: Really?

Me: Yes, really. Do you want to see what He thinks of you?

Justin: Yes!!!

Me: Let’s ask God what He thinks of you Justin. (I briefly explain the ways God can speak and we listen for a few minutes.) Justin what do you think God said to you?

Justin: I saw the word, “good” and I felt good all over. I saw the word “bad” but it was smaller than “good.”

Me: Justin, God thinks that you are a really good boy! He sees the bad things too, but he sees more of the good things in you. He is really pleased with you.

Leslie: I saw the word “loving.”

Me: Wow, God must really love you Justin!! (Justin has a big grin)

Leslie: Mrs. Yi, what did you see?

Me: I am not sure. I saw Justin dressed up as a soldier. I am not sure what that means.

Justin: (His eyes wide open.) THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP! How did God know that?

Me: Justin, God loves you very much and He knows everything about you because He created you!

Justin: That’s really awesome!

Me: Yup, God is really awesome!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Our big house!

Yesterday, Jeremiah and I drove by the new apartment we are going to move into. He suddenly verbalized what I had been thinking for the past few weeks: "I miss our big house." We sold our house last year because we sensed God was leading us to Korea. Since May 2010, we have been renting. We live in a spacious apartment (1300 sq ft), but it's smaller compared to our big house. I sympathized with Jeremiah and told him that God knows our hearts and knows what He is doing. We just need to trust Him.

After we came home, we listened to a Francis Chan sermon. He talked about the lukewarm Christian, and the desire to have things of this world--big houses, nice cars, money etc. Jeremiah and I knew God was talking to us. So we repented. Today,in our Oswald Chambers devotional, the message was on Mt. 6:25. Do not worry about your life, what you will wear, where you will live. Jeremiah and I both knew it was for us. So we repented. Yes, God is indeed talking to us loud and clear about letting go of the things of this world and keeping our focus on Him. Why do the things of this world look so good? I had to repent again and be reminded that there is a mansion in heaven waiting for me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Better Servant

Sebene told Joanne the other day that she didn't think she was going to go to heaven. When Joanne asked her why, she said it's because she is not a very good servant. She really hasn't done very much for God. She said, "Even Jinkyu oppa is a better servant. At least he led his friend to Jesus." We had a good laugh.

We explained to her that you don't need to do anything to go to heaven, but just trust Jesus for new life and forgiveness of our sins. The enemy is doing such a job of convincing Christians that we do need to do something for our salvation, when it's just so simple--We just need to trust.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April DPTA

Sebene played in her third DPTA last week. She has gotten so much better. Two months ago, I couldn't watch her play tennis because she looked like she was chasing after butterflies. It was hard to watch that after being used to watching Elijah's fast-paced matches.

I was really impressed with Sebene. She had strategy, technique, and endurance. She won her first match 8-0, her second 8-2, her third 8-2, her fourth 8-6, and then she lost in the finals 6-8. During the semi-finals, I noticed she was running out of steam. During the 30 minute break before the finals match, I pumped her up with a Starbucks caramel frap and some cookies. It just wasn't enough sugar. Next time, I know now to feed her a little bit more sugar!

Sebene, I am really proud of you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My brother, Elijah

Sebene wrote this for an assignment about the person that had the greatest impact on her life. She was so sweet to write about her brother.

My brother, Elijah, has greatly affected my life because he was the one who taught me to play tennis. We have our ups and downs, but overall he’s a great tennis player and coach. First off, my brother takes lessons from one of the best coaches in Texas. He is basically passing down the information to me. My brother is a great tennis coach partially because of his coach, but he was the one who taught me to swing a racket.

He is the best tennis coach ever. Although he is mean sometimes, he is still a great coach. Everyone says I have great technique, almost flawless. It’s mostly my brother, but I have to give some credit to Brookhaven Country Club, which is where I go to train. When we do fitness at Brookhaven and sometimes at home, he pushes me over my limit and then it becomes my new limit because I know I can go over my limit.

My brother, Elijah, has greatly affected my life more than just tennis. He has kept me from eating junk food all day. Without him I would probably be obese. I am very thankful for my brother, Elijah. I also have another brother, Jeremiah, but he has not affected my life like my older brother, Elijah. We still have a lot of junk food in the house but I am not eating most of it like I usually do. Instead, my brother, Jeremiah, eats them all.