Sunday, November 6, 2011


We as a family have been adjusting fairly well to our new life in Korea. Jeremiah the other day said he enjoyed his new tennis academy and the people in it. He said things are also very convenient in Korea, and that he could get used to living here. Things were going well. Then just last Friday, I was hit with this massive sadness. I missed home. When I told Richard I was homesick, he said, "All your family is here. How can you be homesick?" So then I started to miss my oldest son, Jinkyu. I started to miss the hot weather in Texas. I missed Chipotle. I missed all the land. I just missed my life back in America. It was a very difficult day. I started to doubt whether we really needed to be here or not. It was really tough.

On Saturday, I was spending time with God asking Him to just comfort me and show me that I was indeed suppose to be here. During my prayer time, Sebene walks in and says, "Mom, I have a word for you. Ephesians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Then she just leaves. I was so lost for words at God's perfect timing in encouraging me. Yes, indeed I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am so thankful that my daughter listens to God.

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