Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Homeschool 2011-2012

Yesterday was our first day of homeschool. Because we will be traveling to Korea at the beginning of September, we are starting early. We are on a 1/2 day schedule (3 subjects) and then will go full time once we settle in Korea. I am excited about this year. For one, I will only be homeschooling 2 children rather than 3. I hope it will be easier. I am sure it will be since Jeremiah and Sebene are good at working independently. I am also really excited about our curriculum choices too. This is our curriculum for this year:

Jeremiah (9th grade)
History: My Father's World Ancient History
Literature: My Father's World Ancient History
Geometry: Chalkdust Geometry
Biology: Apologia Biology through Veritas Press. (M/W 10:00-11:30 pm..sorry)
Foreign Language: Korean
P.E.: Tennis
Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Logic: Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox

Sebene (6th grade)
We will be using Exploring Cultures and Countries for geography, social studies, bible and science.
Composition: The Potter's School online Writer's Workshop
Math: Christian Light Education and Lial's Pre-Algebra
Grammar: Christian Light Education
Foreign Language: Korean
Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Logic: Logic Liftoff

I can't wait to see how my children will grow this year!

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