Saturday, June 4, 2011


Jeremiah and Elijah took the SAT today. Elijah was taking it for college admissions, and Jeremiah just took it. My intent in having Jeremiah take the test was so that he will see that it's a difficult test and that he would need to study very hard for it in the next few years.

After the test, I asked Jeremiah how it went. I expected him to say how difficult it was, but instead, he shouted, "It was so much fun! Can I take it again?" SAT, fun? That was a first for me. He didn't even have a scientific calculator with him. All he took was a small solar power calculator. Then I asked him what he learned from the experience, and he answered, "Mom, I think I am ready for college!" Jeremiah is my, "I can do anything" child. We will have to see when the scores come back.

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