Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Car

When we came to Korea, we weren't really sure which orphanage God wanted us to connect with. After some prayer, I contacted Steve Morrison who gave me contacts to two orphanages. One was in Pyontaek and the other was in Kimchon. Kimchon is 2 1/2 hours away. We went to visit one day and it took us 4 hours to get there. On the return trip, we took the KTX train, but the fare was $250 for our family.  We weren't sure how we could continue volunteering at this orphanage. So we prayed. I didn't realize that everyone was praying the same thing. My husband, son, and I all prayed that if this is where we need to go, then we would need a car.

Two weeks later, we got this car! What a timely and amazing God! Richard's company isn't doing well. They have a hiring freeze. A salary freeze. A freeze on everything. The company announced a restructuring of the company. Richard went to check the new chart and noticed that his title had changed. He thought it was a mistake and went to HR to let them know of the mistake. They told him that it was not a mistake and that he had been promoted. However, it was low key and nothing was announced company wide. HR told him that's the way the CEO wanted it.

Our amazing God organized this promotion so that we can have a car! Can you imagine God working out all the details? This was a very sudden and unexpected promotion! What a truly, truly amazing God we serve. Now we know that we are to continue ministering to the children at Emmanuel...but how?

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