Thursday, February 16, 2012

God Interrupts Words with Friends

I was feeling a little down yesterday and suddenly really missed my kids. After several days of really having an exciting time with God, it was hard to be in this place. I was feeling depressed. I was feeling so down that I didn't even want to play Words with Friends. I am really addicted to this game, so it's really bad when I don't want to play. (Addictions are bad I know, BUT it's really my only vice. Plus I reason that it will keep my mind sharp :) I asked God to give me joy, but I didn't feel any all day.

Then in the evening, I decide to play Words. I play a few rounds and am not really enjoying it. I was about to stop playing, when one of my friends (who is as addicted to this game as I am) starts a new game. On my turn, I am able to clear all my letters and play "skeleton." I was so excited because I have NEVER, EVER cleared all my letters before. I am really surprised. Then on my next turn, I am able to play all my letters AGAIN! I play "feasted" with the s under "skeleton." Now I am feeling really, really excited and my emotions lift. I don't feel so down anymore. I am really excited because this has never happened to me before...Twice in a row! Then the next word I play is, "Grace." God reminds me again of His Grace for me. A God who loves me so much and cares so much about me interrupted my game to show me His Grace. God's Grace is indeed very big. He really cares about the little things. I am amazed again at the ways He shows His love for me!

What a classy God!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Not Too Bold for God!

When people ask me why I came to Korea, I am afraid to tell them, "God told me to come." I usually say we had a heart for orphans or something not too God specific. I don't have the boldness to say that God sent me here. I always thought people who talked this way were a little weird, and I didn't want people to think I was weird. I was fearful of man and how people would view me. However, after hearing Heidi Baker's testimony this weekend, I decided not to be fearful of many anymore. I decided to tell the truth.

This Monday when I started the substitute teaching, the teachers asked me why I came to Korea. I said, "God told me to come." Then they said, "No, the real reason." So I said, "The real reason is God told me to come. I hear His voice and try to obey what He tells me to do." As soon as I said this, the enemy started to put fear and doubt in my heart. He said, "You were too bold. That was too much God. They are going to think you are strange. Don't you know this company is run by Jehovah's Witnesses? They are going to fire your husband!" I struggled with this for a few days. I really regretted saying what I said.

Today was the last day of my sub teaching job. During the break, one of the teacher comes up to me and says, "I told my husband that you hear God's voice. He told me to ask you how you hear God's voice. He wants to hear God's voice too." Wow! We met after class, and I shared again that God speaks through an intimate relationship with God. I shared the different ways that God can speak. The Holy Spirit was touching her and she started to cry. She told me that when I told the class that God told me to come, she was very intrigued and wanted to know more. She thanked me for being so honest because that's how she was able to talk to me about God. That was so God!

God has given me several opportunities the last few days to talk and brag about God. Now, I am going to pray that God would work through me to heal and prophesy so that people can experience His power! Excited to see what He will do!